Recently an elderly couple paid us a surprised visit. He said that he had vacationed at Wandawega Lake Resort with his family back in the ’40s, or was it the ’50s? He had stories of dinner at the “gourmet” Polish restaurant (now the main lodge)… and how it was converted to a “activity lodge” following dinner. He told us stories of how the owner would open the window in the restaurant after dinner and let in the friendly raccoon, who would travel from table to table begging for table scraps from the customers, and for dessert would sit on the bar to receive hisĀ nightly Hershey’s bar (which they called a “nickel bar” at the time.)
He told us stories of how the nearest neighbor was a dairy farmer … and how the cows would occasionally break fence and wander over to the cabins, where they would rub up against them to scratch their backs.
But most amazingly, he shared some old family photographs; yet another illustration of the old adage: the more things change the more they stay the same…